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My experiences dating online
I have dated online for the last decade from knowledge. It need not be a substitute for face-to-face presence, but you cannot question the reach of this media. I dated a Japanese girl when I was in Tokyo. I met her in real life and the dynamic was not nearly as interesting as the cellphone chat. I was too in...
Beware of Julie Ann Bacuel- Puerto Princessa
Hello Guys, I am Mike from the Austria, and I would like to warn you from a woman, named Julie Ann Bacuel. She is hunting foreigners at the Internet and try that the victims send her tickets (which she will later refund to cash). She pretend to be a decent lady, even pretending to be a virgin, a good actress...
Mike Hofer
My reasons for Online dating
At first, i told myself, i'd rather go to bars (which i truly hated) instead of chatting with a stranger... but i got quite desperate as i can't even find true and honest people to be friends in the office, in my health club, in my social group and in school... so i tried forums. What are my reasons for datin...
Girls prefer to chat online
contrary to what other people might think, girls prefer to chat online and date online before meeting the guy. girls have a lot of insecurities and would like to protect their egos before they let themselves fall for any man. through online chatting, they can present a more confident image and can ask...