Free health care for critical and regular illnesses Free good quality education Reliable transport system Financially aware culture
Anything else?
Cleaner environment, safety (particularly for children & wife), proximity to family. I actually think being an expat can offer a better intellectual life than in one's home country. Expats are more interesting because they have been overseas for more than a holiday, and likely reflected on those experiences.
I think the UK is pretty over rated. Its currently a place im glad to hop in and out of for work. Living in the Philippines and Working around London.. over priced housing and an unstable immigration policy is starting to show cracks in what once was "great" Britain. When you cant say Christmas in your own country due to offending others.. (now a winter festival) there is something wrong when the same people celebrate and are allowed to call theyre own festivals in traditional name.. PC brigade and feminists have pretty much messed up the society..
I think the UK is pretty over rated. Its currently a place im glad to hop in and out of for work. Living in the Philippines and Working around London.. over priced housing and an unstable immigration policy is starting to show cracks in what once was "great" Britain. When you cant say Christmas in your own country due to offending others.. (now a winter festival) there is something wrong when the same people celebrate and are allowed to call theyre own festivals in traditional name.. PC brigade and feminists have pretty much messed up the society..
Happy to be in the Philippines :)
Well, I don't know whether the end of Xmas would disappoint me. But I take your point about pollitical correctness. But Filipinos are like that as well...the expectancy of marriage, being religious. If you feel the values of your country are being overrun by another culture, is the solution to run to another? I'd have thought NZ or Australia, since they more closely embrace traditional English values if I was to critique your choices. I like Philippines in many respects as well, but I find intolerable that in parts you can be without internet, water & electricity for the odd day each month. Ok, its better in the city, and maybe it depends on the province, but I've been to a few. Hard to believe Batangas is the worst. And pollution in the city, no parks. OK, its a place I like to go, it has great potential, but I can't yet consider it paradise. Too many service issues. Many another 5 years away. There are some special places there though. Aside form isolation, expensive internet, NZ comes pretty close.